Our growing population is becoming increasingly diverse and adjusting to living in a new culture and society can be strange, complex and overwhelming.
Our TRAMS services provide refugees and migrants assistance to become self-reliant through education and work, and participate equitably in Australian society as soon as possible after their arrival in the Toowoomba community.
Our Toowoomba Refugee and Migrant Settlement Support program provides refugees and migrants who are new to our region, with support to get settled into community life and smooth transition into Australian society.
Our Diverse QLD Workplace services aim to assist CALD members of the Toowoomba community with obtaining and retaining meaningful employment in the mainstream workforce, supporting both individuals and the host businesses with accredited training and mentoring.
Our Bridge to Work program is changing the settlement journey for many Refugees in Toowoomba, targeting members of the CALD community with tailored training and skills development for a successful entry to the mainstream workforce.
Dedicated support for migrants settling into work and life in the local community. Get started today.